Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Words Matter

It’s really quite simple. Every thought you have, every sentence you say or write is made up of words. In many cases, they are carefully chosen words that will make the impact you want; perhaps achieve a particular result. In other cases, they may be casual comments that evoke warm emotions, or hurt feelings.

Words can change lives. How you speak to your partner, what you say to your child, how you interact with your family can have a long-lasting effect – with good or bad results.

In business, words can make or break a company. Employees, customers, partners, investors, analysts and the media hang on a CEO’s words. They dissect every nuance to try and learn the truth. A company’s ability to communicate its value helps customers and investors decide whether they want to move forward or run away.

Words are power.  Use them wisely on your website, in brochures and presentations, on twitter and in blogs. Be clear, compelling, concise. You only have a short time to hold your audience’s attention. The truth is most people will only read the first one or two sentences. If you haven’t grabbed them there, then the rest just doesn’t matter. And since reading on the small screens of mobile devices can be another barrier, you better hit hard and fast with a captivating lead.

Remember, your company’s reputation and success are at stake.

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